Why is it important for me to say this, "Born Deaf, Grow up Deaf, Die Deaf"? Obviously, I am so proud of being DEAF! I am so grateful to be deaf. It is a gift from God.
It does not means I am against Hearing world. I am not in favor of the idea for Deaf people to become hearing to make the Hearing world happier. Hearing people who hear is a gift from God too. Anything that came in natures is perfectly wonderful!
This quote I made is to let others know that I enjoy being deaf and want to stay deaf til I die.
It does not means I am against Hearing world. I am not in favor of the idea for Deaf people to become hearing to make the Hearing world happier. Hearing people who hear is a gift from God too. Anything that came in natures is perfectly wonderful!
This quote I made is to let others know that I enjoy being deaf and want to stay deaf til I die.
Awesome! I always think that being Deaf is the beautiful gift from God. I thank God everyday for giving this beautiful gift. :o) Aidan
You just pushed the right key to my heart! Deaf is such a beautiful gift, so is ASL as our first, natural language.
Your masthead, with the rows of vintage gasoline pumps neatly lined up as if posing for a group photo, is a knockout! And I appreciated your sentiments. It's hard to convince hearing people that "being Deaf is a gift," as they're apt to think that people who feel this way are merely nuts. But show them some ASL pyrotechnics and they start wishing they could understand it too!
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