“Why inspire sympathy; inspire the inspirations in the richness in diversities.”

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Born Deaf, Grow up Deaf, Die Deaf

Why is it important for me to say this, "Born Deaf, Grow up Deaf, Die Deaf"? Obviously, I am so proud of being DEAF! I am so grateful to be deaf. It is a gift from God.

It does not means I am against Hearing world. I am not in favor of the idea for Deaf people to become hearing to make the Hearing world happier. Hearing people who hear is a gift from God too. Anything that came in natures is perfectly wonderful!

This quote I made is to let others know that I enjoy being deaf and want to stay deaf til I die.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I always think that being Deaf is the beautiful gift from God. I thank God everyday for giving this beautiful gift. :o) Aidan

Anonymous said...

You just pushed the right key to my heart! Deaf is such a beautiful gift, so is ASL as our first, natural language.

Parpar said...

Your masthead, with the rows of vintage gasoline pumps neatly lined up as if posing for a group photo, is a knockout! And I appreciated your sentiments. It's hard to convince hearing people that "being Deaf is a gift," as they're apt to think that people who feel this way are merely nuts. But show them some ASL pyrotechnics and they start wishing they could understand it too!